Your Lebanon Trail High School PTSA is committed to excellence! The PTSA has enrolled in the National PTA School of Excellence​ program.
What is the National PTA School of Excellence program?
The School of Excellence program is a recognition program that supports and celebrates the partnership between families and our school to enrich the educational experience and overall well-being for all students.
It is a year-long commitment to identify and implement an Action Plan for school improvement based on PTA's six national standards for family-school partnerships and transformative family engagement.
What is our shared objective to achieve the School of Excellence designation?
Our shared objective is to increase family engagement supporting student success.
What survey statement did we choose to work on?
In Fall 2021, an initial survey was sent out to LTHS parents, students, and staff through the school newsletter and PTSA social media sites. Based on those survey results, we chose to create an action plan to increase the number of "always" responses to survey statement #7 - "Our school helps families understand how they can support their child's learning."
​What actions are we taking?
Place A-frame signs in student drop off/pick up line displaying QR codes for school and PTSA information
Send PTSA member monthly emails communicating relevant programs and activities
Provide grade-specific slides in homeroom presentation for direct communication to students
Develop student incentive to view and review helpful district, school, and PTSA websites with parents
Analyze LT newsletter publishing date to maximize number of visits to site
Include FISD parent portal hyperlink at end of LT newsletter for ease of access and reference
Develop parent education for better communication between students, teachers, and parents through awareness of school staff practices and expectations
​How will we know we are successful?
There are several ways we will know we are successful:
Our final survey receives more "always" responses compared to our initial Fall survey
​Families feel welcomed and empowered to support student success
Our PTSA is seen as a partner for continuous school improvement
​We are designated as a National PTA School of Excellence
Your 2021 - 2022 LT Excellence Team
Donna Ericson (VP Programs, SOE Committee Chair)
Ramona Ramazani (Junior Parent Rep, SOE Families stakeholder)
Terri Guajardo (Secretary, SOE Families stakeholder)
Leah Walker (President, ex-officio committee member)
Allison Ginn (LTHS Associate Principal, SOE Administrator stakeholder)
Elise Marshall (PTSA Faculty Liaison, SOE Staff stakeholder)
Students Leaders
Vyasini Arun (Volunteer Chair, SOE Student Leader stakeholder)
Tyson Peters (Senior Student Rep, SOE Student Leader stakeholder)
Community Members
Mary Harms (Community member)
Roger Harms (Community member)