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PTSA News - Week of February 2nd
NEW SPIRIT WEAR SALE STARTS TODAY! Check out these weekly sales promotions. This week - PAJAMA PANTS = 10% OFF Next week - WATER BOTTLES...
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PTSA NEWS - Week of October 20th
REFLECTIONS DEADLINE IS THIS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27TH REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE Help LTHS compete to recycle the most plastic bags during the...
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PTSA NEWS - Week of September 8th
"ASK MRS. ADDO" The PTSA is hosting a Membership Meeting and Principal Q&A on Wednesday, September 20th at 6:30 PM. A selection of...
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PTSA NEWS - Week of September 1st
SPIRIT NIGHT THIS TUESDAY! MEMBERSHIP NEWS Thank you for joining our PTSA. We now have reached over 230 members and have won a Head...
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PTSA NEWS - Week of August 25th
MEMBERSHIP NEWS Meet the Teacher was a fun night for all. PTSA sponsored a CiCi's pizza dinner for the teachers before they met all of...
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